Contact Your MP & Councillors

Contact your own MP , your Herts County Council Member and St. Albans District Council representatives


We need to get the aircraft noise issue to the top of their agendas.

Suggested e-mail / letter to your MP & Councillors :


Dear xxxxxx,

I am your constituent, postcode XXX XXX.

I am increasingly concerned about the impact of noise and air pollution from Aircraft in our area.

Please let me know what you are doing to :-

  • Curb Luton Airport’s continued expansion : Luton gets the gain, Hertfordshire gets the pain;
  • Promote alternative westerly aircraft departure routes from Luton that do not funnel between St. Albans and Harpenden;
  • Prevent any new Luton aircraft routes coming even closer to [ historic St. Albans / Batchwood / New Greens / Shafford / King Harry Lane.]


[Your Name and e-mail.]

Find your local MPs and councillors

Use the links below to find the names and contact details of your local MPs and Councillors.